Tim Gwinn wrote:
1) Because the command line attempts to invoke "mhonarc -editidx
-rcfile $mrc -outdir $archive" but the programname is "mhonarc.pl",
I get an error that "mhonarc" could not be found. If I used
"mhonarc.pl  -editidx -rcfile $mrc -outdir $archive", then I was
getting the error "That wasn't a MHonArc command, was it?".

In order to get the above command line to run, I had to modify the
following line in the routine "sub shell": from:
   if ($command eq 'mhonarc' or $command =~ /^mha-d/) {
   if ($command eq 'mhonarc.pl' or $command =~ /^mha-d/) {

After this change, the commandline worked, and the rcfile changes
were instituted into the test archive (not my live archive - see #2
below) successfully.

I see. You have obviously renamed 'mhonarc' to 'mhonarc.pl'. That may have been useful when you run MHonArc from your Windows command line, but unnecessary when running it via mhastart.pl. As you noticed, mhastart.pl presupposes the original file name 'mhonarc', so you could just have renamed it back to the original name. Anyway, your fix is sufficient.

2) More importantly, I have an existing archive and I wanted to use
mhastart to 'Add' future messages (via POP3). When I test this by
'Add'ing a new message, it is acting as if the current archive
(1000+ msgs) doesn't exist and overwrites the mhonarc.db,
maillist.html, and threads.html. Additionally, the newly created
htmls do not include the rcfile formatting that was present in the
existing archive. But the files are in the correct directory, so I
don't know why it doesn't see the existing archive, and simply
appending the new msgs.

The probable reason is that the database file you created on Windows is named 'mhonarc.db', while the default name on Linux is '.mhonarc.db' (note the dot). Try to rename the database to '.mhonarc.db'.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Email: http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl

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