Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Tim Gwinn wrote:
I had to modify the following line in the routine "sub shell":
   if ($command eq 'mhonarc' or $command =~ /^mha-d/) {
   if ($command eq '' or $command =~ /^mha-d/) {

After this change, the commandline worked

I see. You have obviously renamed 'mhonarc' to ''. That may have been useful when you run MHonArc from your Windows command line, but unnecessary when running it via As you noticed, presupposes the original file name 'mhonarc', so you could just have renamed it back to the original name. Anyway, your fix is sufficient.

The above observation made me conclude that there is no reason to not accept file extensions, so I changed that line in the original script to:

if ( $command =~ /^(?:mhonarc|mha-d)/ ) {

Thanks for calling my attention to it, Tim!

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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