On 8/17/06, Ciaran McNulty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe the markup looks something like:

<div class="vcard">
  <span class="fn">John Smith</span> can be reached via his secretary
  <span class="agent vcard">
    <span class="fn">John Doe</span> on
    <span class="tel">020 1111 1111</span>

See http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-examples#2.4.2_VCARD

A smart parser will convert that correctly and I suspect even a
slightly more simplistic parser would manage to churn out two vCards
with the same telephone number for both parties.

Would this not be subjected to the same parsing issues as nested
hCards in general (see
I'd think a smart parser could properly deal with nested hCards, but
Brian seemed pretty convinced any parser would mess things up.

- David
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