This may not solve 100% of issues, but I think Blogger could make
over 90% of plain-old web hosts work with the current rel-tag spec by
simply uploading tagname/index.html instead of tagname.html and then
point links to tagname/ (which resolves to index.html on most plain-
old web hosts).

I'm hoping they switch to the tagname/index.html solution - it seems
logical enough and the only downside would be some more FTP overhead
(which I for one am more than willing to wear). Unless of course
there's something in Blogger's code base which would come into play.

Personally I'd like to see the directory+index.html solution for all
Blogger pages, it'd pave the way to eventually allow other formats
like PHP, for one thing. But anyway, that's off the topic.


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--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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