On 2/12/07, James Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Scott Reynen wrote:

> This may not solve 100% of issues, but I think Blogger could make
> over 90% of plain-old web hosts work with the current rel-tag spec
> by simply uploading tagname/index.html instead of tagname.html and
> then point links to tagname/ (which resolves to index.html on most
> plain-old web hosts).

The simplest solution is usually the best, eh? Good idea. *slaps

For the record though, I still think there should be markup-only
fallback, such as putting the tagName in a title attribute.

<a rel="tag" href="/search/tag/foo">All uses of FOO</a>
<a rel="tag" title="foo" href="/search?tag=foo">All uses of FOO</a>

Is there a reason that the use of the title attribute wasn't
considered for specifying the tag when it couldn't be specified in the

Mike Kaply
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