Manu Sporny wrote:

There are really two questions that we're attempting to answer here:

1. Can we make screen readers not read the @title, of whatever element
   we choose, out loud?
2. Do we care that "PT2M23S" will appear if the person browsing hovers
   their cursor over the text denoting the duration, if that is the only
   way we can successfully utilize ISO standards in the Microformats

I think it's clear that with a bit of testing we can find a markup pattern, albeit not necessarily a pretty one, where human-hostile data is not read aloud or shown on hover.

It wouldn't make it any less of an abuse of the underlying standard for TITLE, however.

Here's another question that needs asking. How much real-world value does the use of the ISO standard for date time representations actually add in this /particular/ case (hAudio duration)?

From what I've seen, there are two reasons you would want to hide a machine-friendly representation of human-friendly content:

1. The human-friendly content has so many variations, usually locale-related, that it would be challenging to write an algorithm to parse them all (e.g. datetime formats).

2. The human-friendly content is less precise than a machine-friendly format (e.g. "next Wednesday" instead of a precise date time, "London" instead of geo coordinates).

In both cases, it would be hard for parsers to produce useful data from the human-friendly content.

How often do these reasons apply to hAudio duration?

How many authors who use digits to represent durations do not use Arabic numerals, or not use familiar units like seconds? How many do not use digits at all, instead employing words like "three minutes and twenty-three seconds"? How many provide fuzzy durations like "about three minutes"?

The impression I get is that the majority of cases would be served fine by:

<span class="duration"><span class="minutes">2</span>:<span class="s">25</span></span>

We could still think about specifying a TITLE hack for people who do need human-friendly content in a form that cannot be expressed in the above markup (perhaps if a piece of audio was being described in a paragraph rather than the usual tabular or list formats), but I suspect the above would be sufficient in most cases, e.g.:

What do we think?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
microformats-discuss mailing list

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