We used TEI-Lite years ago, to digitise an archive of papers relating to the explorer Matthew Flinders. Specifically, we wanted to index papers according to people, places, ships etc. mentioned in those letters. The indexing had to be good enough to recognise that eg. 'The Revd Mr Tyler' and 'Tyler, (Reverend) William' are semantically the same. TEI-Lite is good for this sort of problem.
That archive is available in HTML at
but the HTML version loses the semantics of the underlying TEI documents, which are hidden away in a database and, therefore, unavailable to the serious researcher. We could open up the original semantic documents by giving links to the XML versions, but it might be useful also to try and preserve the TEI semantics in the HTML documents.

Assuming that you're marking each with one TEI category (rather than separate, more granular, categories for title, given name and family name) then you can use "POSH" with, say, class="person" in your HTML.

But better still, by using the more granular categories, as above, you'd be half-way to using hCard.

Andy Mabbett
microformats-discuss mailing list

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