On [Oct 15], at [ Oct 15] 2:58 , Martin McEvoy wrote:

None of the proposed removals are issues, I am simply applying the 80/20 rule to the existing schema using the Microformats Process

If the 80/20 principle (not rule) hasn't been applied appropriately, that's an issue.

I am not being unfair in any way

I'm not saying you're being unfair; I'm saying you're being unproductive. You're wasting your own time just as much as anyone else's by presenting a full schema revision without discussion of the issues that prompted it. As we're now witnessing, that discussion is going to happen either way, but it will happen a lot smoother if everyone is talking about the same issue from the beginning.

I would just like to move the haudio forward to being something publishers can use with confidence and understanding, in the end we will have a more stable format

As would everyone. You can't do that alone, so you need to clearly explain your concerns to everyone else. And that's what issues are for.

I am sorry seem to have upset one or two people with my recommendations

You certainly haven't upset me with your recommendations. I suspect I agree with many of them. But I won't know that until you clearly explain them. Whether or not we call such explanations "issues" is beside the point. The point is to describe the problem before recommending a solution, to avoid the sort of talking in circles we're seeing here.

Scott Reynen

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