Hello Manu...

Manu Sporny wrote:
Martin McEvoy wrote:
In Microformats this means that if a propery is used more than 80% of
the time then it should be included in the format, this will result in
the top 20% of all discovered properties making their way into the final

You continue to contradict yourself,


which is why we're having such a
hard time with your argumentation, Martin. Your statement above makes no
sense. Let's break it down and use some real numbers to see why:

Martin McEvoy wrote:
In Microformats this means that if a propery is used more than 80% of
the time then it should be included in the format,

We'll call this Statement A. If we were to hold this true, then we would
be left with these properties for hAudio. We would pick only the
properties that were used in at least 80% of all sites:

# album artist: 95.12%
# track title: 90.24%
# album title: 87.80%
# album tracks: 80.49%

Yes that is correct, although as you can see there is not much of the current haudio draft left, that is why I said to be fair those properties that occur 70% of the time or more....
then you go on to state this:

Martin McEvoy wrote:
this will result in the top 20% of all discovered properties making
their way into the final Microformat.


Let's call this Statement B. If we were to hold this true, then out of
"all discovered properties", of which there are 163 properties[1], we
would be left with the top 32 properties:

20% of 163 = 32.6
163 properties in haudio? wow that's News to Me, I only count only 15 currently possibly 20 if you include the really edge cases, I don't think there are that many properties across all microformats are there? ....


In Microformats this means that if a propery is used more than 80% of
the time then it should be included in the format, this will result in
the top 20% of all discovered properties making their way into the
final Microformat.
It is because you keep repeating statements like this that I don't think
there is a good reason to remove category, description, sample, payment,
or price from hAudio. The removal of all of these properties is based on
the statement you have made above - which is a logical fallacy.
Manu Shame on you... have you actually read and understood any of these two pages


I doubt that you have.
Manu I wish you would stop basing the above url as something that should be considered as fact, I still even now (after a year or more) cant find all those properties you list on that page, yes I know you saw those properties at the time but frankly I have a hard time believing that "album savings" , "album price in points" and "track add to pop-list" plus many many more have anything at all to do with hAudio at all


Martin McEvoy


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