On [Oct 29], at [ Oct 29] 7:39 , Martin McEvoy wrote:

The above information has been the crux of my issues with the audio- info process, because we haven't YET created a microformat for Music Downloads.

The Proposal to create a Microformat for Music Downloads (If any one remembers) was first posted by Marian Steinbach in microformats- discuss[1], and later re-posted to microformats-new[2]:

[2] http://microformats.org/discuss/mail/microformats-new/2007-March/000028.html

It seems to me you're conflating two distinct efforts here, understandably as they have a lot in common. But they're not really the same. The emails you cited led to work on a "media-info" microformat, which seems to match your focus, but never went very far:


This has a problem statement that is clearly different from the problem statement of what ultimately came to be known as hAudio, found here:


The end of the latter problem statement explicitly rejects the focus on downloadable files you're seeking:

The audio information need not be associated with a file. Note that audio content (The Payback by James Brown) is very different from the audio file format (192Kbps, stereo MP3). The goal of this discussion is to create a Microformat draft for marking up audio metadata and information.

This has been the problem statement from the very beginning, and this problem attracted enough interest to push toward a solution. It doesn't seem to be a solution to the problem you want to solve, though. So if hAudio doesn't solve your problem, what do you do now? You tried earlier to start a new microformat with a new focus, but I think your framing of it in terms of hAudio distracted from what you actually wanted to do. It seems to me now that what you want to do is close enough to the previous media-info work that you should consider starting with what's already been done.

Scott Reynen

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