Well, not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but I appear to
have found an annoyance in 1.2.6. I have several sites and sub-sites
which I am converting from Frontpage (bleh) to Midgard (hoorah!). 
Frontpage likes to do subwebs like www.domain.com/subweb, so as I 
was composing host entries for each subweb, I had a list of hosts 
like the following:

        www.domain.com/admin    - Midgard admin
        www.domain.com/example  - Midgard example site
        www.domain.com/chat     - A chat site.
        www.domain.com          - The main site of the domain!
        www.domain.com/forums   - A CGI forum.
        www.domain.com/links    - A Yahoo style links engine.

Problem... forums and links do not work! I discovered though, that if
www.domain.com is placed at the end, that everything works great! Since
I have started, I have changed alot of the sites to chat.domain.com and
so forth and with few problems.

Hope this helps someone resolve a problem which frustrated me a long
while before I stumbled into the problem. :)

Fred Hirsch
Dark Hart Design
http://www.darkhart.com/ <-- Using Midgard BTW, nothing too fancy.

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