Unfortunately, it didn't work for me:

Thanks to Emile, 1.2.6beta2 is fully compiled. I have the
new database as midgard2 in MySQL, so I edited the following

mgd = mgd_connect("midgard2","midgard","midgard");

Midgard libraries are in: /usr/local/lib and
MySQL libraries are in: /usr/local/mysql (lib and include)

root# gcc -o dumper dumper.c -I/usr/local/lib/mysql
-L/usr/local/lib/mysql -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/lib
-lmidgard -lmysqlclient
dumper.c:1: illegal external declaration, found `#'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard_res'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard_pool'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard_res'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard_res'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard_pool'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard_res'
dumper.c:1: undefined type, found `midgard'

Todd Daniel Woodward
Technical Consultant
RadioDigest.com Inc.


     "Radio you can READ!"

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