Hello Henri,

Tuesday, March 28, 2000, 11:03:10 PM, you wrote:
> The  project has been growing steadily for the last year, and now it
> could  be a good point to organize a bit. We could found a nonprofit
> organization  to  handle  some aspects of this project. The benefits
> here  would  be  the  ability  to  own property and handle donations
> without  having  to  channel those through private contributors. The
> money  would  at  first  be  going for things like domains, but at a
> later  point  also  arranging training events and workshops would be
> possible  with  this.  It could also clarify the copyright situation
> with  the  core  Midgard  libraries,  as  their  ownership  could be
> transferred  to  the organization. This would make the software much
> safer to develop with. If we want to found this organization, a good
Yes, when a code is owned by different contributors inside one project
several problems could arise like: what to do with modifications when
owner is detached itself from project.

> place  for  it  could  be  Finland,  as  we  have quite many project
> participants  here,  and  most of us also already have experience in
> running nonprofits.
I  agree  with you. Actually it is not a problem to found NP elsewhere
but  for  day-to-day  work  a  location  of  most developers should be

> The  membership  for  the organization should be open to all project
> contributors  for  free,  and  possibly also to others for a nominal
> fee.
This is a reasonable variant.

> For  the  first  year,  I'd  like  to have a majority (or all) board
> members  to be living in Finland, because there are often situations
> demanding  a  sudden  meeting before the procedures settle down, and
> having all board members available on a short notice would be a good
> thing.
OK  for  me  (I'm  too  busy  with my work on Ph.D. thesis and work in
University to be daily involved with administration duties)

> What do you think? I'd like to see some discussion
> on this, and if we decide to continue with the plan
> already hold the founding meeting within a month.
> Oh, and as the name, how would The Midgard Project Ry
> sound? (Ry being short for registrated nonprofit in
> Finnish)
Are we have to use this suffix or it could be omitted? Personally, I
would like to see "The Midgard Project" as a name because "mysterious"
Ry will be a problem for the newcomers not familiar with Finnish laws.
I even expect that question about "Ry" will be included into FAQ :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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