Hello Henri,

Wednesday, March 29, 2000, 5:27:47 PM, you wrote:
>> OK  for  me  (I'm  too  busy  with my work on Ph.D. thesis and work in
>> University to be daily involved with administration duties)
> Good. Now, the first board could be the following:
>         Eero af Heurlin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>         Henri Bergius ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>         Jukka Zitting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> If you want to see other names in it as well, please
> let me know.
I have no additions at the moment, may be other developers do have?

>> Are we have to use this suffix or it could be omitted? Personally, I
>> would like to see "The Midgard Project" as a name because "mysterious"
>> Ry will be a problem for the newcomers not familiar with Finnish laws.
>> I even expect that question about "Ry" will be included into FAQ :-)
> We have to use the 'Ry' extension in official records,
> but can omit it elsewhere.
> And hey, it's better than 'Rekisterцity Yhdistys', isn't
> it? ;-)
:-) Yes. I can even imagine how you could read this: "Некоммерческая
организация `Проект Мидгард'" (The Midgard Project non-profit
organization in Russian) without cyrillic fonts :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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