*grin* Emile, I know you know that I know that it was you who originally
said whatever it was that was said.

> We could work on it it as we have for sitegroups, or we could set up a
> separate mailinglist for active documentation effort (or even per subject)
> so multiple coders can help with the documentation. What does the rest of
> midgard-dev think?

I imagine the upside of using the help list is that new users will see our
efforts to write documentation for Midgard. On the otherhand, a list for
documentation might organize our efforts and help keep the list clean.

When the time is right, I'll aproach the vmucentertainment tutorial by
breaking it into sections. Which currently include; Intro, httpd.conf,
Midgard Host, Interaction between Midgard and Apache. At this point it breaks
down but goes on to include sections on; Toplevel Style, Content
Management, etc.

The Introduction does a fair job of detailing the tutorial focus and the
features that the resulting site will have. Anyone who's interested should
be able get up to speed on the overall objective by reading it.

> My next project is going to be blobserving. 

Does that have anything to do with jellydonuts?

Repliguard looks like another feature that's going to require detailed
documentation. I occasionaly read the posts on it and rub my hands
together in anticipation. However, I haven't a clue what it really is but
would love to learn about it in detail by helping document it.


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