On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Ron Parker wrote:

> > My next project is going to be blobserving. 
> Does that have anything to do with jellydonuts?

Inasmuch that I like both, yes.

Blobserving (Binary Large OBject) will add the capability to serve
non-text objects (images, sounds, flash, etc) by Midgard itself instead of
passing the buck back to Apache. The advantage will be that these BLOBS
can be governed by the same administration interface/access control as the
rest of the midgard resources. These objects need not be large, BTW, but
who would want the term BobServing (nasty flashbacks to MS Bob here).

> Repliguard


> looks like another feature that's going to require detailed
> documentation. I occasionaly read the posts on it and rub my hands
> together in anticipation. However, I haven't a clue what it really is but
> would love to learn about it in detail by helping document it.

Cue: Jukka & Alexander. I have only slightly more clue on this issue, and
even that is a pretty bold assesment.


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