On  8 Apr, Emiliano wrote:
> Blobserving (Binary Large OBject) will add the capability to serve
> non-text objects (images, sounds, flash, etc) by Midgard itself instead of
> passing the buck back to Apache. The advantage will be that these BLOBS
> can be governed by the same administration interface/access control as the
> rest of the midgard resources. These objects need not be large, BTW, but
> who would want the term BobServing (nasty flashbacks to MS Bob here).

BTW. Something that will need some thought is whether the
BLOBs should be handled by Repligard or not.

> Cue: Jukka & Alexander. I have only slightly more clue on this issue, and
> even that is a pretty bold assesment.

At the moment Repligard is a pretty simple concept. It
is just an utility that can dump (parts of) a Midgard
database into a XML file, and upload it back to the same
or another database.

At the moment it is still dependent on the database ID
numbers of the records, and so replication between two
different sites would require that they use the same ID
space (ie. one is the master database and the other just
a copy). This doesn't differ much from doing things with
normal SQL dumps, and so we should be able to handle Admin
and example sites via Repligard even now.

The next phase will be the addition of two-way replication,
where Repligard converts all IDs and ID references into
GUIDs (global unique IDs) in download phase, and then back 
to normal IDs on upload.

What this provides us with is a generic packaging system
for Midgard data. You could for example package one site,
topic tree or even just a single page, and copy it over
to other Midgard servers. And if some of the records were
changed on that second server, those changes could also
be replicated easily to all other servers where the
same record resides, regardless of what local database
IDs the record(s) would use there.

So Repligard just handles downloading and uploading the
XML file, and conversions between GUIDs and local database
IDs. Transferring the data between servers can then be
handled with conventional methods like rsync.

The Repligard extension provides a simple command line
utility for doing these things, and also some example 
scripts that can be useful for setting the system up.

> Emile


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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