On Fri, 26 May 2000, Vanja Bertalan wrote:

> could someone say a couple of words about blobs, files and images in
> midgard and maybe throw in a short usage example? What is the
> difference between file table and blobs table in midgard database?

blobs are a recent addition to midgard and are of a more general nature
than the file and images tables.

The file table is an index to help you link files to articles. You must
create or copy the files yourself and use readfile to serve them out to
the client.

blobs (aka attachments) are more self-contained and can be attached to any
record type. Methods are available to serve out blobs including their
headers, and blobs attached to page records are served directly by
mod_midgard (depending on needed authorization of course).

I'll add the documentation to the manual asap but a rough sketch of their
functionality + description of the methods can be found at

The file methods have some extra fields to store size and an md5 checksum
that the attachment records don't have but I would suggest to use record
parameters (aka record extensions) for those.

I don't know how the image table was used exactly.


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