Hello Henri,

Tuesday, June 13, 2000, 10:25:09 AM, you wrote:
> On 13 Jun, Paul Gillingwater wrote:
>> Has anyone looked into whether Midgard's core module can be compiled using
>> NSAPI, to work with Netscape's iPlanet Web server?
> I think the regular PHP already works with NSAPI, so
> the only thing that would need porting is mod_midgard.
> Does anyone know NSAPI enough to make any estimations
> on the amount of work involved?
For porting Midgard to other web-servers than Apache one needs to:
1) Port PHP itself if it isn't done yet
2) Port mod_midgard
Any web-server with ability to extend HTTP request dispatch process
could be used for that. Unfortunately, serious knowledge of server API
is needed, as well as Midgard's one. I don't know anything about NSAPI
but, for example, porting Midgard to Xitami web-server would be
relatively easy using its LRWP API. In such case  mod_midgard will be merged
with PHP module because of nature of LRWP.
> It would be a good thing to support other Web servers
> besides Apache. If this port isn't feasible for Midgard
> 1.4, then it should be at least in the requirements for
> Midgard 2.
I think it requires serious work for current version because Midgard
is tightened to Apache now by design. But for Midgard 2.0 where most
of mod_midgard functionality will be in core (I think) it will be
reasonable project.

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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