On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Emiliano wrote:
> > Well, I tried rpm -ta midgard-{lib|php} and mod_midgard.
> That only builds the RPMs. The libs are installed as a side effect of
> building the midgard-lib RPM (I really should fix that).

Yep. I know.  But I tried, too.  After clean directories it worked

But, I'm trying to enter on adin site, but admin doesn't work.
As you said to me, the midgard was compiled with sitegroup.
But, where can I find an howto work with sitegroups?

I created my own sitegroup just inserting on sitegroup table.
I thought that it could be neccessary execute sg0migrate,
but it complain about event tablen doesn't exist.  After all,
I made a clean install, why sould be migrate?

German Poo Caaman~o

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