Hi Ed - 

> As Keith said the Who's Using Mifos list is most up to date. I still need to 
> update with a couple recent deployments in Namibia, Mozambique and Uganda so 
> stay tuned for those updates. 

cool will watch for those.

> Regarding Specialists in the Directory that's something the process of being 
> overhauled (there were some bugs in the new Drupal implementation) and we're 
> working to get existing Specialists listed along with a brief approval stage. 

got it. the list of specialists in SSA I've managed to compile so far is:
- international aid services
- Exemplar
- Elixir Digital (don't think they're active?)
- Computer Warehouse Group

does that sound right to you?

> Allowing Specialists and potential users to independently connect is a vital 
> process and clearly from what you've seen in poking around the site George - 
> something we need to improve :) I've made some recent improvements to 
> directory - but working on improving the actual touchpoints between 
> Specialists and MFIs moreso - happy to discuss more and welcome any 
> additional feedback. 

we should get some feedback from MFIs on this - I don't know whether I'm a 
weird special use case (trying to find all Specialists in Africa) or not. as I 
talk to MFIs I'll ask around.


George Conard
US: +1 206 778 7429
Kenya: +254 (0) 705 038 704
Ghana: +233 (0) 54 975 4222
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