This is the weird thing, I am not a dial up. I have a business service with multiple IP's!! I don't know the black list but I will find out in the morning. I'll bet that my IP's are not on your lists. I have checked with MAPS and a few others, and I don't show up. What is a T1 subscriber supposed to do? I have more to do then chase down why my employees can't email one customer.



Ben Kamen wrote:

What blacklist zapped you??

This is a common tactic that uses... blacklist a whole
block of IP's to make the point that the ISP needs to clean house...

Unfortunately, I have a LOT of spam I'm blocking from too
via personal blacklists as well as Ameritech has a
problem on their hands... it's not so much spammers as it's that ameritech
is run by Bobby Daley who doesn't give a crap... and fills his company
with a majority of people who don't have enough brains to care.

My server's been attacked by people in Ameritech-land via their dynamic
DSL addresses and I've had to null-route three 4096 host subnets because
the idiots at ameritech didn't care...

I don't have any special love for Ameritech/SBC. I filed a complaint
against them with the Illinois Commerce Commission. Nothing ever happened.
Big surprise.


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