** Reply to note from Mark Defang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mon, 05 Apr 2004 22:02:14 -0400

> To make a long story short, here is my problem.  We have a T1 through  
> Ameritech with an IP block of like 16 IP's.  We send email to a customer  
> of ours that uses another ISP.  The customer's IP subscribes to an  
> Internet blacklist.  Starting today, we, as a domain, can not send email  
> to this customer.  When I contacted the ISP, they stated that Ameritech  
> had been blacklisted and I needed to contact them to have the issue  
> resolved.  Ameritech needs to contact the black list provider and clear  
> it up.  AMERITECH!!!

This is unfortunately quite a common problem, that me and my customers are having too.
Just to make an example, spamcop is blocking Libero, which (although perhaps not so 
good at fighting spam),
is a major Italian ISP, connecting maybe something like 20% of this country. Given 
that the even bigger
Telecom is a lot worse and a lot more blacklisted, you can guess here the picture is 
not that good!!!
I cannot write to many mailing lists any more (FreeBSD, for example; and I work on 
this OS!); some of my customers
cannot contact their overseas partners and so on!
I really believe the blacklist practice has gone a lot further than it should have! I 
personally have nothing against
public blacklists, but I think their adoption should be a personal choice, not 
anything that is done ISP wide.

Just my 2 eurocents.


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