[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/05/2004 10:02:14 
> I have a few problems with this...  First, my domain was not the one 
> that was blacklisted, according to the ISP.  If, what he says is true, 
> every Ameritech customer in the midwest, maybe further, will not be able 

> to send email to any ISP subscribing to this blacklist.  This doesn't 
> even sound possible to me.  Secondly, my domain was not the one 
> blacklisted.  Why would lax mail security on another domain or a 
> compromised home user account have any bearing on my ability to send 

Happened to us to.  We have a real class B netblock (not a supernetted 
group of class C's), and we provide internet connections to over 100 
school districts.  One of them had an open relay, so we got blacklisted 
for our entire block.  I forget which list it was on, but it pissed alot 
of people off. 
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