Johann wrote:

NFN Smith wrote:

[ ... ]

 > ...
 > Also, a related question -- what's the best way of getting the clamd
 > and clamav-milter daemons launched at start time?

In the contib/init/RedHat directory of your ClamAV source, there is an init file named clamd.

That's what I was missing. Thanks.

Copy it to /etc/init.d. then symlink it into /etc/rc.d/rc3 (rc5 if you start up in graphical mode) as S(some number lower than Sendmail's)clamd - ie: S75clamd

As Alexander has noted separately in a RH/Fedora environment, chkconfig is the preferred way. I haven't played with it a lot, but it's definitely a faster way of getting all the links done at once, and with the right name.

In any case, I definitely want the Clam daemons starting before sendmail starts.

I agree that it should be started before either Sendmail or MIMEDefang, though I can not tell you why. Must be BOFH intuition.

As Alexander has also noted, since sendmail calls both MIMEDefang and ClamAV as milter calls, you need both of those daemons launched before sendmail does. Hence, my annoyance at the suggestion to simply add the ClamAV daemon launches in rc.local (which is normally run as S99local).

Thanks to Johann, Alexander, Matthew and Adam who took the time to respond to my questions.


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