Damrose, Mark wrote:

FYI: I added an example of using Net::CIDR::Lite to the Helo testing wiki at http://www.mimedefang.org/kwiki/index.cgi?UseHeloToCatchSpam

Hmm.... Found some issues (shortcomings, whatever) with the API to Net::CIDR::Lite.

First is that when you pass it bad parameters, it emits a message via "confess", but doesn't
bomb out or have an indicative return value...

The second issue is that you can't add_range("") as a "catch-all".

And lastly, it wasn't clear how you store into an element a reference to further external data that tells you what to do with that node (i.e. continue, discard, reject, ... a specific
message to give with the reject, etc).


Contacted the author...


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