Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

I'm interested in the answer about the reverse DNS as well, BTW.


BTW:  In the case where there is no rDNS for an incoming connection...
what would be the approximate false positive rate be if we were to refuse
those connections (unless of course they were authenticated or local)?

If the user is authenticated... why would there not be a rDNS entry for their IP?? I guess if they are "roaming" but we usually recommend a webmail setup for most of those customers that fit the "typical" user profile, others know enough they don't need to call and make sure they setup for auth and STARTTLS, in either case.. I have yet to run this as an issue.

I have been running the require_rdns.m4 hack with some minor modifications (I ONLY reject if there is no rDNS at all and with greet_pause enabled with a 4 sec delay for off-network MTA/MUAs) since I last mentioned it on this list some time ago with zero customer complaints, and only 2 or 3 contacts from other sys admins asking how they fix their DNS.

So, as long as you are not draconian about it, it seems to work well.

Now when I first implemented the hack on my test box... I implemented the whole thing... requiring the rDNS to match will cause you ALOT of false positives/cust complaints.

Some quick and dirty stats off my test box: on avg over 10% of the 5XX rejects are for bad rDNS, when I first implemented I merely tagged and tracked these to confirm it was reall spam... during this time period I had zero false positives... but admitedly only tracked it for one week. When I started rejecting them using the require_rdns.m4 hack I simply saved myself a few more expensive MD/SA implementations as I also noticed these messages were invariably caught by MD/SA, I just stop them a little bit earlier now. The message breakdown on my test box is as folllows for the last few days:

./msgperday  ' 9'
grep "^Jan  9" /var/log/maillog

UNIQ MSID:              13670
TO:                     6561

Sent:                   5670
5XX Rejects: 8045 1113 of these were for no rDNS
4XX Rejects:            36
Deferred:               887
Timeout:                12
User Unknown:           101
Service Unavail:        1
Header Forgery:         2
Host Unknown:           3
Processed (stat=):      6789
Rejected (eject=):      8081

./msgperday 10
grep "^Jan 10" /var/log/maillog

UNIQ MSID:              14503
TO:                     6906

Sent:                   5698
5XX Rejects:            8602
      1113 were for no rDNS
4XX Rejects:            18
Deferred:               972
Timeout:                12
User Unknown:           138
Service Unavail:        2
Header Forgery:         6
Host Unknown:           4
Processed (stat=):      7047
Rejected (eject=):      8620

./msgperday 11
grep "^Jan 11" /var/log/maillog

UNIQ MSID:              14358
TO:                     6765

Sent:                   5589
5XX Rejects:            8366
       1086 were due to no rDNS
4XX Rejects:            1
Deferred:               838
Timeout:                37
User Unknown:           155
Service Unavail:        3
Header Forgery:         4
Host Unknown:           1
Processed (stat=):      6916
Rejected (eject=):      8367

./msgperday 12
grep "^Jan 12" /var/log/maillog

UNIQ MSID:              14875
TO:                     6948

Sent:                   5883
5XX Rejects:            9725
        1206 were due to no rDNS
4XX Rejects:            29
Deferred:               736
Timeout:                24
User Unknown:           230
Service Unavail:        1
Header Forgery:         8
Host Unknown:           1
Processed (stat=):      7141
Rejected (eject=):      9754

./msgperday 13
grep "^Jan 13" /var/log/maillog

UNIQ MSID:              14290
TO:                     6086

Sent:                   4975
5XX Rejects:            9827
      1377 were due to no rDNS
4XX Rejects:            2
Deferred:               759
Timeout:                15
User Unknown:           123
Service Unavail:        7
Header Forgery:         9
Host Unknown:           4
Processed (stat=):      6185
Rejected (eject=):      9829

./msgperday 14
grep "^Jan 14" /var/log/maillog
INCOMPLETE DAY, Processed to 8:30pm EST

UNIQ MSID:              10321
TO:                     3481

Sent:                   2421
5XX Rejects:            8315
     869 were due to no rDNS
4XX Rejects:            15
Deferred:               670
Timeout:                1
User Unknown:           100
Service Unavail:        0
Header Forgery:         4
Host Unknown:           4
Processed (stat=):      3527
Rejected (eject=):      8330

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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