On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, Lisa Casey wrote:


> Also - how do I find out how many slaves Mimedefang is configured to
> and should I increase that? If so, how?

Check your startup script.

I looked in the startup script: /etc/init.d/mimedefang The only things in there that have to do with slaves are:
# MX_MAX_RSS=10000
# MX_MAX_AS=30000

Quite honestly none of these look like settings I could tweak to increase the maximum number of slaves. In my maillog I have this:

Jan 14 10:40:23 Raydeus-Dee mimedefang-multiplexor[1211]: started; minSlaves=2, maxSlaves=10, maxRequests=500,
maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=600, clientTimeout=10

and I think the maxSlaves looks like it is low to me.

By the way, I'm using RedHat 7.2, mimedefang version 2.48, and SpamAssassin version 3.0.1 running on Perl version 5.8.5 (I'm basically using MimeDefang to run Spamassassin).

Guess I need more help then this to increase maxSlaves. Sorry.

Are MX_MINIMUM and MX_MAXIMUM set to the defaults?  It's says in my config
file (/etc/sysconfig/mimedefang) that "The default value of 2 is probably
 too low".  I set them as follows:


I got the same errors as you when my machines were under load and bumping
these values made everything happy happy.


Lisa Casey

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