Rick Aliwalas wrote:
Are MX_MINIMUM and MX_MAXIMUM set to the defaults?  It's says in my config
file (/etc/sysconfig/mimedefang) that "The default value of 2 is probably
 too low".  I set them as follows:


I got the same errors as you when my machines were under load and bumping
these values made everything happy happy.

Watch that you don't run yourself out of memory by bumping these up. Old estimates for "memory per slave" were ~16M IIRC, but I think I saw a recent recommendation to allow ~40M per slave. If you're running a trim mimedefang-filter with no SA or other addon Perl modules, 40M per slave is probably quite pessimistic and you can probably reduce that to ~20-25M... but with SA3.x, it may even be too optimistic and you'll need to allow 50M+.

Tuning sendmail's load-limiting options also helps keed MD from hitting its limits; check through your sendmail.mc for these options:

define(`confQUEUE_LA', `2')dnl
define(`confREFUSE_LA', `7')dnl
define(`confDELAY_LA', `2')dnl

(These are numbers from a PII/400 192M server hosting ~30 domains, tuned slowly over a week or so while watching the mail logs. I've only ever had to take more drastic action once - a badly broken remote system which initiated SMTP connections ~5 times per second without actually doing anything with them. They got an iptables DROP entry.)

There may be other sendmail-level settings that can/should be tuned as well; if you don't have a copy of the Bat Book, GET ONE! I've found it invaluable in tracking down some of these options.

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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