Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:
The original poster also mentioned:

define(`confDELAY_LA', `2')dnl

Ouch. It might be instructive to read some sendmail source that is
related to DelayLA... sendmail not only delays for one second after
each command, but also sleeps N seconds before accept()ing each new
connection, where N is the number of listening ports.

Yep. I haven't read the source and I don't recall anything WRT extra padding for multiple ports, but I'm aware of that backoff. That was very deliberate; I *do* *not* want to reach RefuseLA on that box because doing so will cause customer phone calls complaining that they can't send email. :( At the time I was tuning that system, new hardware was Not An Option, and since then the general load has dropped.

It kept mail flowing - albeit slowly... even during a minor spam storm, or during one of the other "make Kris unhappy" events that bit that machine.

"All" that does is to slow down the operation of sending email; under the (legitimate) usage and with the marginal hardware available, that was preferable to rejecting customer SMTP connections. I don't think I even hit that limit very hard ever; and even now about the only things likely to hit it are spammers and their ratware. <g>

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