Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 02:15:25AM -0700, Philip Prindeville wrote:
Ok, some progress...  I've installed the package, I'm running it currently.

Anyone have any comments on it?

Yes: why do you remove the HELO argument in filter_sender? This means
you're breaking compatibility for those who don't want to use filter_helo.
I don't think that change is necessary?

It was previously passed in filter_sender() because it wasn't available earlier
(since obviously there was no support for "helos"). This was a design
short-coming. And it's an attempt to KISS, by dividing and conquering the

In any case, the variable continues to be present in $Helo.

Also, your code assumes you cannot call smfi_setreply in the helo()
callback, but that assumption is wrong. At least, it is according to
the milter API documentation. It's probably very useful to set a reply
after HELO!

Oh, right. I pulled a lot of code from the MXRelayOK(), where it wasn't
available... I'll rework that. Or if you have patches... ;-)

I wonder what the behaviour of your patch is when returning 421, other
4xx or 5xx error codes from HELO, to various other MTAs... have you tested
anything like that?

Want to telnet to my server and check it out?


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