On Sep 17, 11:44am, "Josh Kelley" wrote:
} On 4/24/06, David F. Skoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} > Jonas Eckerman wrote:
} >
} > > +    my $LOCAL_STATE_DIR = '/var/lib';
} >
} > That works for FreeBSD, but look at Mail-SpamAssassin's Makefile.PL.
} > It contains a subroutine "_set_macro_LOCALSTATEDIR" that supposedly
} > sets the default for LOCAL_STATE_DIR.  If anyone doesn't think
} > SpamAssassin is an evil piece of code, _set_macro_LOCALSTATEDIR should
} > remove all remaining doubts.
} >
} > If/when I find a general-purpose way to detect what the [EMAIL 
} > LOCAL_STATE_DIR should be set to for a given SpamAssassin installation,
} > I will patch MIMEDefang to use it.  If I can't figure it out, I'll
} > just use /var/lib.
} sa-update knows what LOCAL_STATE_DIR is, and sa-update is simply Perl
} code, so how about just taking its setting of LOCAL_STATE_DIR and
} eval'ing it?
} my $setlocalstatedir = `grep '^my \$LOCAL_STATE_DIR' /usr/bin/sa-update`;
} $setlocalstatedir =~ s/^my //;   # Remove leading "my" so that
} $LOCAL_STATE_DIR isn't scoped locally to eval block
} eval $setlocalstatedir;

     If we're looking at this, couldn't we just grab it from
SpamAssassin directly, i.e.:

my $LOCAL_STATE_DIR = $Mail::SpamAssassin::LOCAL_STATE_DIR; ?

I've done similar things to get at other internal variables.

}-- End of excerpt from "Josh Kelley"
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