On Sep 17,  4:25pm, "David F. Skoll" wrote:
} John Nemeth wrote:
} >      If we're looking at this, couldn't we just grab it from
} > SpamAssassin directly, i.e.:
} > my $LOCAL_STATE_DIR = $Mail::SpamAssassin::LOCAL_STATE_DIR; ?
} Hah. :-)  Please.  You give the SpamAssassin authors way too
} little credit.  They're much too devious and unforgiving to make
} anything that easy.
} LOCAL_STATE_DIR is set at build time, and only the actual programs
} (sa-update, spamd and spamassassin) know the value.  The Perl modules
} do not, so if you use SpamAssassin directly via the Perl API, you're
} out of luck.

     This raises the questions of how the Perl modules find the
directory?  I found this line in sub sed_path():

  $path =~ s/__local_state_dir__/$self->{LOCAL_STATE_DIR} || ''/ges;

Isn't there some way we can get the info?  I've done some poking, but
my Perl isn't that strong.

     Alternatively, why don't people just do 'md-mx-ctrl reread' after
doing an sa-update?

}-- End of excerpt from "David F. Skoll"
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