Any hint ?

Is it a mimedefang/MIME handling bug ?

Or is it Apple Mail break some specification ?

Please help!

Thank you.

Il giorno 10/gen/07, alle ore 13:25, Ing. Andrea Vettori ha scritto:

I've a problem with mimedefang (version 2.58) with SpamAssassin 3 and f-secure antivirus on Linux.

The problem occours only when the email comes from an Apple Mail client.


The message sent from Apple Mail does trigger a tmpfail error on the antivirus because the antivirus find different names between the name on content-type and the name on content-disposition. I feel this problem can be caused by the absence of the quotes on the Apple Mail message. On the temporary file on which the antivirus is run, the name is trucated.

Ing. Andrea Vettori
Consulente per l'Information Technology

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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