Rest of your rfc2183 quote snipped. The definition of the
"Content-Disposition" header is not relevant in this case.
Your problem was an unquoted name value in the "Content-Type"

You are right. I have read so much times the source of the messages that I messed up...

I don't think it's a bug to reject an invalid message.
And I'm not convinced that the handling of the mime-parts by
MimeDefang is causing the trouble. It can also be the virusscanner
when scanning the whole message.

The problem is that when the antivirus is run, the temporary file that mimedefang creates has the unquoted file name trucated. The antivirus is rejecting the message since it founds two different names to identify the same attachment. I think it does this to prevent that one .exe file, for example, is scanned as a .jpg file if the two file names are set accordingly.

Who should I contact to solve this bug ?

Did you try to contact the sender of the invalid message?

It happens with many sender that use Apple Mail. From your analysis it seems that it's Apple Mail that compose the message without respect of the rfc 2045.

The strange thing is that with an old installation of mimedefang (version 2.39) with the same antivirus version the problem doesn't happen. Maybe MIME code inside mimedefang has changed ?

Thank you
Ing. Andrea Vettori
Consulente per l'Information Technology

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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