David F. Skoll wrote:
John Rudd wrote:

Btw: thank you for not squelching this topic.  When I tried to have a
similar discussion on the MailScanner list, about a year ago, the
maintainer pretty much banned the topic from discussion (even though I
was, at the time, advocating the mixed approach and not an approach of
"abandoning MailScanner").  It has left a lasting bad impression for me.

Really?  I've worked with Julian on MIME-Tools issues and he seemed
pretty pleasant and reasonable to me.  (Both MIMEDefang and Mailscanner
use MIME-Tools.)

Yeah, in general Julian's a great guy, and very open about off-topic conversation on the MS list (general Sendmail config topics, discussions of milters that don't compete with MailScanner, etc.). But I think MIMEDefang was just too close to being a direct competitor ... and I don't think he agreed with me that it could be something that compliments MailScanner instead of competing with MailScanner.

I don't think he begrudges MD, I think he just didn't want it discussed on the MS list, even in a complimentary role instead of a competitive role.
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