On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 10:37:31AM -0500, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> For non-mavens, what does this setting do?
> >define(`confSAFE_QUEUE', `PostMilter')dnl

Taken directly from the sendmail documentation in op.txt
(or op.ps, or op.me)

      SuperSafe [s]  This  option can be set to True, False,
                Interactive, or PostMilter.  If set to True,
                sendmail  will  be  super-safe  when running
                things, i.e., always instantiate  the  queue
                file, even if you are going to attempt imme-
                diate delivery.  Sendmail  always  instanti-
                ates the queue file before returning control
                to the client under any circumstances.  This
                should  really  always  be set to True.  The
                Interactive value  has  been  introduced  in
                8.12 and can be used together with Delivery-
                Mode=i.  It skips some synchronization calls
                which  are  effectively  doubled in the code
                execution path for this  mode.   If  set  to
                PostMilter,  sendmail  defers  synchronizing
                the queue file until any milters  have  sig-
                naled acceptance of the message.  PostMilter
                is useful only when sendmail is  running  as
                an  SMTP  server; in all other situations it
                acts the same as True.

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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