On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 13:00 -0500, David F. Skoll wrote:
> ADNET Ghislain wrote:
> > strange, resintalling postfix does not remove sendmail completly..
> > anyway it seems to work that way....
> Please file a bug with the Debian mimedefang maintainer.  Installing
> MIMEDefang should never force the removal of Postfix.

(I'm not the package maintainer, nor affiliated with him.)

The "mimedefang" package [1] in Debian, regardless of which version of
Debian you're running, doesn't depend on "sendmail", it only recommends
it. Thus, you should be able to have it installed without sendmail.

Is MIMEDefang useful in any way without either sendmail or postfix
installed? It seems to me that the package should say: "Depends:
sendmail | postfix".


[1] http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=mimedefang

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