Hi Joseph

> To my knowledge the recipients are the addresses given in RCPT, not the
> resolved addresses after aliasing and forwarding. So how do you detect that
> the user forwards? Does sendmail provide the resolved address, or do you
> have to mimic what sendmail would do?

Actualy we use Postfix in this project and the local recipients and forwarding 
information is in a database. So I can access that information easily from 
within MIMEDefang.

> > So let's change the sender to the address of the address of the local
> > recipient who wants to have his emails forwarded somewhere else. So he
> > get's  the blame/bounce if his forward does not work.
> I would expect that to loop, since the local recipient forwards to the
> address that is not accepting mail. How do you avoid that?

I'm aware of that :-)
I'll probably add some kind of loop detection header or use some other logic 
to detect loops or bounces which would loop (eg match empty sender). But one 
problem at the time please :-)

Benoit Panizzon
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    

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