On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Tilman Schmidt
<t.schm...@phoenixsoftware.de> wrote:
> Backscatter OTOH is a nuisance, which should be minimized of course, but 
> cannot be completely avoided. Blacklisting because of backscatter would be a 
> Bad Idea (TM) which I thankfully never encountered so far, but if someone did 
> that it would certainly be their own fault if they blocked legitimate mail as 
> a result. In my experience, misguided measures like that tend to get lifted 
> very quickly if senders and (intended) recipients of blocked mails are 
> informed in no unclear words who's responsible for the communication failure.

The problem case is where a spammer discovers that sending to an
address will generate a bounce and sends with forged 'from' addresses
that are intended as the eventual targets.   So there is potential for
damage, but it doesn't necessarily override the responsibility to
deliver or report failures.

   Les Mikesell
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