--- On Fri, 5/3/13, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tilman Schmidt <t.schm...@phoenixsoftware.de> wrote:
> > Backscatter OTOH is a nuisance, which should be minimized ...
> The problem case is where a spammer discovers that sending to an
> address will generate a bounce and sends with forged 'from' addresses
> that are intended as the eventual targets.   So there is potential for
> damage, but it doesn't necessarily override the responsibility to
> deliver or report failures.

The above is not only a backscatter problem but the fundamental flaw in 
challenge-response systems (because to be useful, the challenge message must 
quote some part of the message under challenge -- even if it's just the subject 

Backscatter for the most part is not a problem because it has a simple 
solution:  Message source authentication, with varying implementations and 
degrees of success - SPF, DKIM, MTX, PGP-signatures, etc.  Only the uneducated 
and/or inept mail administrators let backscatter happen today by failing to 
implement at least one (if not all of these).  Widespread adoption of solutions 
is the problem.
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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