On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 3:09 PM, NightStrike <nightstr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But, I can stretch a bit and donate enough for a Mac Mini running
>> 1.6.8 (Snow Leopard) or 1.7.0 (Lion), but I can't host it as I'm
>> living in Argentina and uptime/internet is not highly warranted.
> I don't know much about Mac versioning.  I'm guessing 1.6.8 maps to 10.6?

Sorry, typo, meant 10.6.8 (10.6) and 10.7

> Anyway, any version works for us.  We might be able to arrange hosting
> via the GCC compile farm.  We should talk to Laurent in this case.

Please do, you can email me privately if you prefer, luislavena at gmail dot com

>> Also I'm setting up a Windows 7 x64 for different purposes and could
>> contribute some build time as buildslave?
> Do you have hosting for that?

The system will be host locally in my office, as it will also used to
build Ruby and several projects on Windows for RubyInstaller project.

Tech specs: i3 2100, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, Windows 7 x64.
Internet connection: crippled 3rd world ADSL :-P

Will try join over IRC in a bit.
Luis Lavena
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