Am 10/27/2012 1:33 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

(just 2c from a mingw-w64 user)

> I'm still puzzled, though, why providing source code is such a hassle,
> apparently.  After all, this is called open source for a reason.

It's not a hassle per se, but at least a bit unexpected that just
by using mingw-w64 to compile a, say, 600K binary and distributing
that, i need to ship (and/or version control and store) the 126MB
zipped toolchain sources, too.

As a happy Mingw-w64 user i since was under the impression that
following "COPYING.MinGW-w64-runtime.txt" is enough (which starts
liberal, but then also raises some questions in me regarding this
'FIXME: Cephes math lib' part and the LGPL WINE licensing).

I also misinterpreted the "combined work" aspect of the library
exception in a way that my program, libgcc and libstdc++ that i
install together in the app directory form the "combined work"
that "would otherwise violate the terms of GPLv3" and i'm free
to "convey such a combination under terms of (my) choice".

IMHO, the "COPYING.MinGW-w64-runtime.txt" should at least give an
additional hint regarding the GPLed GCC components.

Not everybody comes away with static linking only, once your
program is made of several executables and shared libs, you
want/need to have libgcc and libstd++ shared, too.


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