2013/9/14 Jon:
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 9:44 AM, Ruben Van Boxem
>> I think you guys are missing the main problem: the fact that for the last
>> half year, trunk was necessary to build the latest GCC version. I'm
>> confident the whole trunk stability question will descend into only murmurs
>> if a stable version can be guaranteed that can be used to build GCC. This is
>> I think the main reason a lot of people are complaining. This should be very
>> much avoided in the future IMHO.
>> Just my 2c,
>> Ruben
> i'd like to hear nixman and alexey's perspective as it relates to the
> mingw-builds binaries.

I agree that using trunk to build a stable toolchain - it's a bad
idea. Such a method should be burried.
Also, I think, before releasing mingw-w64, we should release a
toolchain on the basis of the current trunk, for testing. And, on the
basis of the feedback on this build, we should be decided what to do

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