Adrien Nader schreef op za 14-09-2013 om 08:13 [+0200]:
> I've already mentioned that; I really prefer to have tarballs and
> releases, even if they are "preview" or "alpha".
> Currently everyone uses a different CRT and it's almost impossible to
> remember the differences between them.
> PS: I prefer tarballs which can be downloaded rather than pointing to a
> revision or commit because everyone will have for sure the exact same
> source up to the name of the tarball.

How about we switch to a release model like the Wine folks do: every two
weeks a new release is done of the trunk branch. Then once in in every
while (say half a year) we can do a new stable release which is fully
tested etc. These snapshot releases can then be properly identified
using #define's so that downstream projects can identify which version
of mingw-w64 is used. Having more frequent stable releases also helps
all Linux distributions which have new release once every a half a year.

Most of this can be automated using scripts and/or cronjobs so that one
only has to manually sign-off and publish generated tarballs.



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