On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Jim Michaels <jim.micha...@jesusnjim.com> wrote:
> problem with std::regex not fulfilling standard?
> for this code I got the below
>     for (intmax_t i=0; i <
> regexPatterns.size()&&(findit=findIt||!std::regex_match(sline,
> std::regex(findstr, std::regex(regexPatterns[i],
> std::regex_constants::extended |
> (icase?std::regex_constants::icase:0)); i++);

What are you trying to accomplish with this code?  It's difficult to
read.  You'll probably increase your likelihood of getting help if you
provide a clear, easily understood example that demonstrates a
problem, and specify exactly what that problem is.  Putting the
contents of your loop in an unreadable forloop while condition means
that we have to untangle your snippet to even start to help you.  I
doubt that anyone will be willing to help you unless you clean up your

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