Martijn Dekker dixit:

>Since you seem to despise it with such a passion, I honestly wonder why
>you haven't simply ripped out POSIX compatibility mode a long time ago.
>Are there compelling reasons why you have to keep bothering with it?

Yes, such as Debian Policy 10.4, usability for /bin/sh, and my
strong belief that ash is even worse and ought to be replaced
with mksh (well, lksh -o posix) globally.

That being said, several Debian package maintainers' scripts
are so bad one has to use lksh -o sh -o posix as /bin/sh there...

But globally means globally, so other OSes should see the light
and switch to the glory that is mksh as well.

Also, consistency (between sh and the login shell, i.e. mksh,
and the scripting shell, i.e. mksh).

22:59⎜<Vutral> glaub ich termkit is kompliziert | glabe nicht das man
damit schneller arbeitet | reizüberflutung │ wie windows │ alles evil
zuviel bilder │ wie ein spiel | 23:00⎜<Vutral> die meisten raffen auch
nicht mehr von windows | 23:01⎜<Vutral> bilderbücher sind ja auch nich
wirklich verbreitet als erwachsenen literatur   ‣ who needs GUIs thus?

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