On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Joshua Slive wrote:

> Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 13:00:58 -0500 (Est)
> From: Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: dist/DATE

  Apologies to the mirror maintainers ;
  I hate to discuss this on this list,
  but I'm afraid there is no other place.

> On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Henk P. Penning wrote:
> >   Not just yet; I only began yesterday.

> OK.  Just for your information, the "apache way" usually involves sharing
> code early and often.  But since it is your code, you can do whatever you
> want with it.

  Just for my information: what would 'sharing' mean here ?
  Do I fork over my little prog and that's the last I'll see of it ?
  I'm very much in favor of sharing but I would also very much like
  to play with this stuff a little longer.

  Also, the prog is a little tricky; using async perl IO with selects.
  The whole thing runs is tree minutes, mostly waiting for the last
  few connections to die. I need to do a little more debugging
  and error checking.

> >   Isn't the mstat.txt file all you need ?

>                            But if we are going to integrate something
> directly in our cgi script that selects mirrors, I think it would need to
> be hosted on www.apache.org.  Putting an external dependency in there
> would be too dangerous.

  The whole idea is dangerous anyway.

  -- With a single point of observation, you get a distorted view.
     So some Brasil sites seem a little slow; that doesn't mean
     that these sites are not useful /in Brasil/.
  -- however you implement it, you have to build in safeguards
     for failure and exceptions (like the .au site); What if your
     database fails? What if your retrieval fails unnoticed;
     are all mirrors declared dead ? What if the rsyncd fails ?
     Tricky stuff.

  -- I suggest you set up your database (add modtime stuff) and
     write the stuff to select mirrors. Maybe start by just
     /ordering/ the presented mirrors by 'modtime' stuff,
     that is, fresh mirrors first.
     Retrieve 'mstat.txt' hourly; if it succeeds and passes all
     saniny checks, put it in the database. (I could write the
     retrieval and sanity checks for you.)
     I think this will work just fine. If not I'll be happy to
     fork over whatever I got.

>                          If you choose not to share your code, then we
> will probably need to hack something up ourselves.

  I want to stress that I like to share my code; but I'd much rather
  share the 'service' for now and keep on hacking at this stuff.

> In any case, thanks for your work on this.

  You're welcome.

> Joshua.


  Henk Penning

Henk P. Penning, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University \__/  \
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. \__/
Telephone: +31-30-2534106, fax: 2513791, NIC-handle: HPP1 _/  \__/  \
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