On 11/09/2003, at 08:07, Sullivan N. Beck wrote:

I have just completed setting up a mirror of the apache FTP distribution.

Here's the information:

  URL:       ftp://ftp.cise.ufl.edu/pub/mirrors/apache
  Location:  Gainesville, Florida, USA
  Contact:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Updates:   nightly using rsync
  Bandwidth: 100 Mbit
  I have followed the recommended practices for an FTP mirror

Hmm, recommended practices for an FTP mirror? It is currently protected with a password, so, well, it's pretty useless so far ;-)


--------------------------| Sullivan Beck |---------------------------
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Senior System Programmer
http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~sbeck | University of Florida
PH : (352) 392-1057 | CISE Department
Fax: (352) 392-1220 | CSE 314E
| Gainesville, FL 32611-6120
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