On 11.02.2004, at 11:07, Carfield Yim wrote:

    * URL of mirror

Looks basically good so I've included it. See below for some minor glitches...

    * Country where the mirror is located
        Hong Kong SAR

    * Contact email address

    * Update frequency
        once per day

    * Approximate bandwidth
        only 30k...

Somewhat 'limited' but since we only have two other mirrors from Hong Kong, I think another one can be useful.

    * I have followed the recommended configuration for my mirror
        have put the folloing in httpd.conf
        <Directory /path/to/mirror>
          IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=* FoldersFirst \
             ScanHTMLTitles DescriptionWidth=*
          HeaderName HEADER.html
          ReadmeName README.html
          AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
          Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

Are you sure that IndexOptions FoldersFirst is really active? The directory listings are sorted alphabetically right now.

Anything else?

Looks like there is a problem with some of the icons in your /icons/ directory (see Alias /icons/ ... in httpd.conf). E.g. http://www.carfield.com.hk/icons/quill.gif is missing.


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